Episode 73

Dilly Dally and the Captain Ghost of Boldt Castle

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"Dilly Dally and the Captain Ghost of Boldt Castle"

Dilly Dally

Dilly Dally was, I’m told
So very, very outspoken and bold
She would always speak up for the underdog
And didn’t mind a bit about the slog
But if ever she were late or perhaps lost in a valley
Everyone said, “oh that’s just Dilly Dally”

story Lesson

importance to respect their time, as well as others

Dilly Dally travels to

Heart Island, NY

Inspired by





If you have trouble getting your little one inspired and motivated to write, you NEED this. Simply download our FREE Create Your Own Goop Story Kit and let their imagination run wild. 

previously on goop tales...

Bragger and the Thorne Miniatures

Bragger’s journey through the Thorne miniatures will teach youngsters to embrace a bit of humility and recognize others’ accomplishments alongside their own. Bragger will need to stop hyping himself up if he wants to remember where to go. Will he learn his lesson in time? Join him in the Art Institute of Chicago to find out!

As they wander through miniature rooms, kids will expand their horizons through travel, develop an appreciation for stories and reading, and work on comprehending what they hear. They’ll want to come back to Goop World again and again after spending time with Bragger!

Dilly Dally's story is perfect for the little ones that always take their time

We know you can’t wait to meet the next Goop, so give a warm welcome to Dilly Dally! She’s a bold Goop who isn’t afraid to stand up for what’s right. This is an amazing quality, but her other not-so-amazing quality is that she always dilly dallies!      

While walking home one day, Dilly Dally stumbles upon Drawum, who is drawing a chalk castle on the sidewalk. Drawum warns her not to step on it, but she’s too busy dilly dallying and ends up stepping on the moat, falling through the water and popping out near Boldt Castle in Alexandria Bay in New York! She soon meets Kestrel, an antique yacht. Kestrel wants to get out onto the water again, but a ghost captain, Captain Louis, has cursed her. 

Ignoring the warnings, Dilly Dally takes Kestrel out to see Boldt Castle, but they must return before sunset to avoid Captain Louis. Of course, Dilly Dally ends up dilly dallying and returning after sunset. The ghost captain traps Kestrel and Dilly Dally with a thick fog over the water. How are they supposed to get out of this mess?

Dilly Dally’s adventure around Boldt Castle will teach little ones why it’s important to respect their time, as well as others’. Dilly Dally will need to do things in a more timely manner if she wants to help Kestrel and get back home. Will she finally stop dilly dallying and find a solution? Join her in New York to find out!

As they sail through Alexandria Bay, kids will expand their horizons through travel, avoid slipping into zombie mode, and engage in imaginative play. They’ll want to come back to Goop World again and again after spending time with Dilly Dally!


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