Episode 70

Fallo and the Atacama Desert of Chile

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"Fallo and the Atacama Desert of Chile"


Fallo he could laugh and guffaw
He always had a ha ha ha
If fun was your goal
Fallo was an ace in the hole
But often he paid no attention at all
And inevitably he would always take a fall

story Lesson

be aware of their surroundings

Fallo travels to

Atacama Desert, Chile

Inspired by





If you have trouble getting your little one inspired and motivated to write, you NEED this. Simply download our FREE Create Your Own Goop Story Kit and let their imagination run wild. 

previously on goop tales...

Ignora vs. The Book of Black Magic in the Starfield Library

One winter day, Ignora and her friend Fallo go to the Goop World Library. A sign tells them the library opens in fifteen minutes, but Ignora ignores this and enters anyway. When she picks up a mystery book, it disappears and pulls her all the way to the Starfield Library in Seoul, South Korea! She soon meets a book on happiness named Maelyo, who tells her that the library is also home to a book of black magic called Maebob. Maebob likes to wreak havoc in the library and has trapped the only other book that can stop him, the book of Wonderful Wizardry. 

Fallo's story is perfect for the little ones that are a bit clumsy

We know you can’t wait to meet the next Goop, so give a warm welcome to Fallo! He’s a rambunctious Goop who is very enthusiastic for life. The other Goops love this about him, but they try to steer clear when he gets too focused or excited, as he tends to become clumsy and fall over things.      

One fall day, Fallo and his friend Bosyslina visit a beautiful lake in Goop World. When he touches his reflection in the lake, he gets pulled right in and lands in Las Piedras Rojas in the Atacama Desert of Chile! He quickly meets a funny pink flamingo named Pink Lemonade, who tells him about a force in the desert that doesn’t like intruders. She says that if he wants to escape the force, he’ll need to find La Mano del Desierto, a large sculpture of a hand sticking out of the sand. 

If Fallo continues to fall in the Atacama Desert, the force will swallow him right up. He’s going to have to focus on the path in front of him if he wants to get to where he needs to go. His new flamingo friend is happy to help, but he’ll need to do his part to get to the hand.

Fallo’s journey through the Atacama Desert of Chile will help kids learn to be aware of their surroundings and be careful when they need to be. Fallo will have to do the same if he wants to escape the force of the desert. Will he be able to stop falling and pay attention? Join him in the Atacama Desert to find out!

As they cross the red, rocky landscape of the desert, kids will avoid becoming screen zombies, engage with the world around them, and establish independent play routines. They won’t want to leave Goop World after meeting Fallo!


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